
Teacher & Parent Resources
explore books

Posted Oct 29, 2018

CRUSH contest!

CRUSH is almost here-and we’re hosting a special contest to celebrate its release! We’re asking contestants to draw themselves into the Berrybrook Middle School universe for a chance to win a signed copy of CRUSH.

The Instructions:

• Use the Berrybrook Middle School style sheet in this post as a reference to draw your character. We have a whole variety of characters to base your look off of!

• Draw how you think you’d look if you were in the Berrybrook Middle School books. Get creative! Use pencil, pen, paint-just make sure you have parental supervision, if you’re under the age of 13.

• By November 12, post your drawing on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag @jyforkids or email us at [email protected] so we see your submission.

• We’ll announce the lucky winner by Nov. 16! Need some inspiration? Check out this cool speed drawing video of Jorge and Jasmine by Svetlana Chmakova herself! Draw away! We look forward to seeing your beautiful artwork.